8 / Notice

Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Image

triggered in file sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php at line 127.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
sites/core/plugins/Syn...binaries/Controller.php:127Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(8, "Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Image", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php", 127, Array
8 / Notice

Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Image

triggered in file sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php at line 127.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
sites/core/plugins/Syn...binaries/Controller.php:127Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(8, "Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Image", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php", 127, Array
8 / Notice

Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Image

triggered in file sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php at line 127.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
sites/core/plugins/Syn...binaries/Controller.php:127Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(8, "Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Image", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php", 127, Array
8 / Notice

Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Image

triggered in file sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php at line 127.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
sites/core/plugins/Syn...binaries/Controller.php:127Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(8, "Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Image", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php", 127, Array
8 / Notice

Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Image

triggered in file sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php at line 127.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
sites/core/plugins/Syn...binaries/Controller.php:127Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(8, "Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Image", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php", 127, Array
8 / Notice

Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Description

triggered in file sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php at line 157.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
sites/core/plugins/Syn...binaries/Controller.php:157Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(8, "Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Description", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php", 157, Array
8 / Notice

Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Description

triggered in file sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php at line 157.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
sites/core/plugins/Syn...binaries/Controller.php:157Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(8, "Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Description", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php", 157, Array
8 / Notice

Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Description

triggered in file sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php at line 157.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
sites/core/plugins/Syn...binaries/Controller.php:157Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(8, "Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Description", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php", 157, Array
8 / Notice

Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Description

triggered in file sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php at line 157.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
sites/core/plugins/Syn...binaries/Controller.php:157Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(8, "Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Description", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php", 157, Array
8 / Notice

Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Description

triggered in file sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php at line 157.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
sites/core/plugins/Syn...binaries/Controller.php:157Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(8, "Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Description", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php", 157, Array
2 / Warning

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)

triggered in file lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php at line 210.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
<internal>Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(2, "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php", 210, Array
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response/aResponse.php:46Lucid\Lib\Web\Response::removeHeaders("Pragma", "X-Powered-By")
    " Walking and Hiking | Riehen Tourismus https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/walking-and-hiking en-gb 24 Stops Rehberger-Weg https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/walking-and-hiking/$/24-Stops-Rehberger-Weg/23?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>The walking path runs between Weil am Rhein and Riehen, between the Fondation Beye-ler and the Vitra Campus. Guided by "24 Stops" – path markers by the artist Tobias Re-hberger – here you can explore a remarkably diverse natural and cultural landscape. The Rehberger-Weg and its stops allow you to learn about the local history and stories of the surrounding area and its people – a perfect trip to the countryside. There is also a new ac-companying "24 STOPS" app.</p> <p>Starting point:  Fondation Beyeler, Baselstrasse 101, 4125 Riehen</p> ac96c926057549489e2c348b510eae3a Hebel Hiking Trail https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/walking-and-hiking/$/Hebel-Hiking-Trail/78?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>Inspired by Hebel's poem "Die Wiese", the trail largely follows the Wiese river (which Hebel called "Feldberg's little daughter") for around 60 kilometres: from the source, through the Wiese Valley in the southern Black Forest, over the national border and down to Basel on the Rhine. The trail features information boards that are typically found at locations mentioned in Hebel's poetry or which explain key points in Hebel's life.<br />The trail can also be enjoyed in the reverse direction or in individual stages. All points are well connected with public transport. The trail runs past the Hebelhaus in Hausen im Wiesental, the municipality's literature museum.</p> <p>Find more information under <a href="https://www.hausen-im-wiesental.de/pb/,Lde/Startseite/Johann+Peter+Hebel/Hebelwanderweg.html%20" target="_blank">Hebel Hiking Trail</a> and <a href="file://rigem-svfil01.bs.ch/Homes_W10$/sgrbop/Downloads/Flyer_Hebelwanderweg_0305.pdf" target="_blank">Hebel Bike Trail</a>. </p> ad8061e5ef094596ba62bf0210b30a82 Markgräfler Wiiwegli Trail https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/walking-and-hiking/$/Markgr%C3%A4fler-Wiiwegli-Trail/81?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>The wine trail connects the three municipalities Weil am Rhein, Lörrach and Riehen, and can easily be enjoyed as part of a leisurely two-hour walk. Fifty thematic boards provide information about the locations, wines, landscape, nature and everyday life of winemakers. The wine trail also passes through an area that is steeped in history. The towns feature precious architecture, and important artworks can be found in the churches.</p> <p>Find more information under <a href="https://www.outdooractive.com/de/route/fernwanderweg/markgraefler-wiiwegli/6419273/" target="_blank">Markgräfler Wiiwegli Trail</a>.</p> ee75952a46714862a7c78808557ea3c4 Beautiful Views https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/walking-and-hiking/$/Beautiful-Views/82?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>The Autäli begins behind the Drei Brunnen retirement community and past the allotment gardens. The natural habitat invites you to make an initial stop. This is followed by a steep ascent past one of Riehen's few farms. Continuing through the forest and along the edge of the woods, you then reach Bettingen. But this variant of the route misses Riehen's beautiful Mittelfeld. To see Riehen's Mittelfeld, head right past an "Achtung Schiessstand" (warning: shooting range) sign and follow a steep path. Here you can enjoy views of the agricultural Moostal and far beyond Riehen to the Alsatian Vosges and the Belchen Mountain in the Black Forest. A few steps lead past the Wenkenköpfli, through the forest and down into Wenkentäli, where you enter a large, English-style park called Wenkenpark. There is a mix of shaded places under old groves and expansive lawns – perfect for rest and play. Finally, you can also enjoy the views of nearby Basel at Wenkenross.</p> <p>Starting point: Bus 32, Hinter Gärten; end point: Bus 32, Wenkenhof I</p> <p>Length: approx. 4.5 km, Duration: approx. 70 minutes I Places: Autäli, Reservoir, Wenkenpark I Note: stairs.</p> 3ed4a9f813ed417e8c88f853a485384f Riehen - Village and Park https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/walking-and-hiking/$/Riehen-Village-and-Park/83?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>The starting point is the Bettingerstrasse bus and tram stop. The tranquillity of the Wettsteinanlage Park is a pleasant contrast to the main road. The Wettstein buildings and St. Martin village church are a popular subject of photographs and paintings.<br />The ambience livens up again at the village playground with play and climbing facilities and an adjacent garden restaurant. After the station underpass, the route follows the Im-menbächli to the entrance of the Mohrhaldenanlage, a former graveyard. Once you have crossed the park, you continue along Chrischonaweg to the highest point of the tour, offer-ing great views over the rooftops of the town centre. Go past the Riehen health centre and the gardens of the deaconess house and continue through the music school's wrought iron gate to reach the beautifully maintained Sarasinpark. The trail leads along the Lindenallee to the Fondation Beyeler. Continue along the museum building and you will immediately reach the outskirts of Riehen's agricultural landscape. The views into the distance and the quiet countryside make it easy to forget how close the town centre is.<br />Alongside an old irrigation ditch, the path leads back to the centre with the old fortified church and other landmark buildings. The tour ends opposite the Wettstein buildings, which house the toy museum as well as the village and viticulture museum.</p> <p>Starting point: Tram 6, Bettingerstrasse, end: Tram 6, Riehen Dorf I</p> <p>Length: approx. 2.8 km, duration: approx. 40 minutes I Places: Wettsteinanlage, Mohrhaldenanlage, Sarasinpark, Fondation Beyeler, St. Martin village church, Meierhof, Museum Kultur &amp; Spiel Riehen, Wettstein buildings.</p> 0b2c648fe0f541e7bf81ac8b572be895 ",
2 / Warning

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)

triggered in file lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php at line 210.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
<internal>Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(2, "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php", 210, Array
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response/aResponse.php:46Lucid\Lib\Web\Response::removeHeaders("Pragma", "X-Powered-By")
    " Walking and Hiking | Riehen Tourismus https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/walking-and-hiking en-gb 24 Stops Rehberger-Weg https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/walking-and-hiking/$/24-Stops-Rehberger-Weg/23?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>The walking path runs between Weil am Rhein and Riehen, between the Fondation Beye-ler and the Vitra Campus. Guided by "24 Stops" – path markers by the artist Tobias Re-hberger – here you can explore a remarkably diverse natural and cultural landscape. The Rehberger-Weg and its stops allow you to learn about the local history and stories of the surrounding area and its people – a perfect trip to the countryside. There is also a new ac-companying "24 STOPS" app.</p> <p>Starting point:  Fondation Beyeler, Baselstrasse 101, 4125 Riehen</p> ac96c926057549489e2c348b510eae3a Hebel Hiking Trail https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/walking-and-hiking/$/Hebel-Hiking-Trail/78?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>Inspired by Hebel's poem "Die Wiese", the trail largely follows the Wiese river (which Hebel called "Feldberg's little daughter") for around 60 kilometres: from the source, through the Wiese Valley in the southern Black Forest, over the national border and down to Basel on the Rhine. The trail features information boards that are typically found at locations mentioned in Hebel's poetry or which explain key points in Hebel's life.<br />The trail can also be enjoyed in the reverse direction or in individual stages. All points are well connected with public transport. The trail runs past the Hebelhaus in Hausen im Wiesental, the municipality's literature museum.</p> <p>Find more information under <a href="https://www.hausen-im-wiesental.de/pb/,Lde/Startseite/Johann+Peter+Hebel/Hebelwanderweg.html%20" target="_blank">Hebel Hiking Trail</a> and <a href="file://rigem-svfil01.bs.ch/Homes_W10$/sgrbop/Downloads/Flyer_Hebelwanderweg_0305.pdf" target="_blank">Hebel Bike Trail</a>. </p> ad8061e5ef094596ba62bf0210b30a82 Markgräfler Wiiwegli Trail https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/walking-and-hiking/$/Markgr%C3%A4fler-Wiiwegli-Trail/81?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>The wine trail connects the three municipalities Weil am Rhein, Lörrach and Riehen, and can easily be enjoyed as part of a leisurely two-hour walk. Fifty thematic boards provide information about the locations, wines, landscape, nature and everyday life of winemakers. The wine trail also passes through an area that is steeped in history. The towns feature precious architecture, and important artworks can be found in the churches.</p> <p>Find more information under <a href="https://www.outdooractive.com/de/route/fernwanderweg/markgraefler-wiiwegli/6419273/" target="_blank">Markgräfler Wiiwegli Trail</a>.</p> ee75952a46714862a7c78808557ea3c4 Beautiful Views https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/walking-and-hiking/$/Beautiful-Views/82?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>The Autäli begins behind the Drei Brunnen retirement community and past the allotment gardens. The natural habitat invites you to make an initial stop. This is followed by a steep ascent past one of Riehen's few farms. Continuing through the forest and along the edge of the woods, you then reach Bettingen. But this variant of the route misses Riehen's beautiful Mittelfeld. To see Riehen's Mittelfeld, head right past an "Achtung Schiessstand" (warning: shooting range) sign and follow a steep path. Here you can enjoy views of the agricultural Moostal and far beyond Riehen to the Alsatian Vosges and the Belchen Mountain in the Black Forest. A few steps lead past the Wenkenköpfli, through the forest and down into Wenkentäli, where you enter a large, English-style park called Wenkenpark. There is a mix of shaded places under old groves and expansive lawns – perfect for rest and play. Finally, you can also enjoy the views of nearby Basel at Wenkenross.</p> <p>Starting point: Bus 32, Hinter Gärten; end point: Bus 32, Wenkenhof I</p> <p>Length: approx. 4.5 km, Duration: approx. 70 minutes I Places: Autäli, Reservoir, Wenkenpark I Note: stairs.</p> 3ed4a9f813ed417e8c88f853a485384f Riehen - Village and Park https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/walking-and-hiking/$/Riehen-Village-and-Park/83?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>The starting point is the Bettingerstrasse bus and tram stop. The tranquillity of the Wettsteinanlage Park is a pleasant contrast to the main road. The Wettstein buildings and St. Martin village church are a popular subject of photographs and paintings.<br />The ambience livens up again at the village playground with play and climbing facilities and an adjacent garden restaurant. After the station underpass, the route follows the Im-menbächli to the entrance of the Mohrhaldenanlage, a former graveyard. Once you have crossed the park, you continue along Chrischonaweg to the highest point of the tour, offer-ing great views over the rooftops of the town centre. Go past the Riehen health centre and the gardens of the deaconess house and continue through the music school's wrought iron gate to reach the beautifully maintained Sarasinpark. The trail leads along the Lindenallee to the Fondation Beyeler. Continue along the museum building and you will immediately reach the outskirts of Riehen's agricultural landscape. The views into the distance and the quiet countryside make it easy to forget how close the town centre is.<br />Alongside an old irrigation ditch, the path leads back to the centre with the old fortified church and other landmark buildings. The tour ends opposite the Wettstein buildings, which house the toy museum as well as the village and viticulture museum.</p> <p>Starting point: Tram 6, Bettingerstrasse, end: Tram 6, Riehen Dorf I</p> <p>Length: approx. 2.8 km, duration: approx. 40 minutes I Places: Wettsteinanlage, Mohrhaldenanlage, Sarasinpark, Fondation Beyeler, St. Martin village church, Meierhof, Museum Kultur &amp; Spiel Riehen, Wettstein buildings.</p> 0b2c648fe0f541e7bf81ac8b572be895 ",
2 / Warning

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)

triggered in file lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php at line 155.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
<internal>Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(2, "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php", 155, Array
    "text/xml; charset=utf-8",
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php:155header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8", 1)
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response/Text.php:37Lucid\Lib\Web\Response::setHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8")
2 / Warning

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)

triggered in file lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php at line 210.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
<internal>Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(2, "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php", 210, Array
lucid/binaries/Core/Event/Events.php:109call_user_func_array(, Array
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response/aResponse.php:71Lucid\Core\Events\aObservable->triggerEvent("beforeSend", Lucid\Lib\Web\Response\Text)
2 / Warning

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)

triggered in file lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php at line 155.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
<internal>Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(2, "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php", 155, Array
    "public, max-age=86400",
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php:155header("Cache-Control: public, max-age=86400", 1)
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response/aResponse.php:85Lucid\Lib\Web\Response::setHeader("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=86400")
2 / Warning

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)

triggered in file lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php at line 155.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
<internal>Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(2, "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php", 155, Array
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php:155header("ETag: ", 1)
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response/aResponse.php:86Lucid\Lib\Web\Response::setHeader("ETag", "")
2 / Warning

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)

triggered in file lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php at line 155.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
<internal>Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(2, "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php", 155, Array
    "Mon, 03 Jun 2024 16:20:25 GMT",
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php:155header("Expires: Mon, 03 Jun 2024 16:20:25 GMT", 1)
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response/aResponse.php:87Lucid\Lib\Web\Response::setHeader("Expires", "Mon, 03 Jun 2024 16:20:25 GMT")
2 / Warning

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)

triggered in file lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php at line 155.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
<internal>Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(2, "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php", 155, Array
    "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT",
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php:155header("Last-Modified: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT", 1)
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response/aResponse.php:88Lucid\Lib\Web\Response::setHeader("Last-Modified", "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT")
2 / Warning

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)

triggered in file lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php at line 189.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
<internal>Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(2, "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php", 189, Array
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php:189header("Status: 200 OK")
Walking and Hiking | Riehen Tourismus https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/walking-and-hiking en-gb 24 Stops Rehberger-Weg https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/walking-and-hiking/$/24-Stops-Rehberger-Weg/23?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>The walking path runs between Weil am Rhein and Riehen, between the Fondation Beye-ler and the Vitra Campus. Guided by "24 Stops" – path markers by the artist Tobias Re-hberger – here you can explore a remarkably diverse natural and cultural landscape. The Rehberger-Weg and its stops allow you to learn about the local history and stories of the surrounding area and its people – a perfect trip to the countryside. There is also a new ac-companying "24 STOPS" app.</p> <p>Starting point:  Fondation Beyeler, Baselstrasse 101, 4125 Riehen</p> ac96c926057549489e2c348b510eae3a Hebel Hiking Trail https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/walking-and-hiking/$/Hebel-Hiking-Trail/78?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>Inspired by Hebel's poem "Die Wiese", the trail largely follows the Wiese river (which Hebel called "Feldberg's little daughter") for around 60 kilometres: from the source, through the Wiese Valley in the southern Black Forest, over the national border and down to Basel on the Rhine. The trail features information boards that are typically found at locations mentioned in Hebel's poetry or which explain key points in Hebel's life.<br />The trail can also be enjoyed in the reverse direction or in individual stages. All points are well connected with public transport. The trail runs past the Hebelhaus in Hausen im Wiesental, the municipality's literature museum.</p> <p>Find more information under <a href="https://www.hausen-im-wiesental.de/pb/,Lde/Startseite/Johann+Peter+Hebel/Hebelwanderweg.html%20" target="_blank">Hebel Hiking Trail</a> and <a href="file://rigem-svfil01.bs.ch/Homes_W10$/sgrbop/Downloads/Flyer_Hebelwanderweg_0305.pdf" target="_blank">Hebel Bike Trail</a>. </p> ad8061e5ef094596ba62bf0210b30a82 Markgräfler Wiiwegli Trail https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/walking-and-hiking/$/Markgr%C3%A4fler-Wiiwegli-Trail/81?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>The wine trail connects the three municipalities Weil am Rhein, Lörrach and Riehen, and can easily be enjoyed as part of a leisurely two-hour walk. Fifty thematic boards provide information about the locations, wines, landscape, nature and everyday life of winemakers. The wine trail also passes through an area that is steeped in history. The towns feature precious architecture, and important artworks can be found in the churches.</p> <p>Find more information under <a href="https://www.outdooractive.com/de/route/fernwanderweg/markgraefler-wiiwegli/6419273/" target="_blank">Markgräfler Wiiwegli Trail</a>.</p> ee75952a46714862a7c78808557ea3c4 Beautiful Views https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/walking-and-hiking/$/Beautiful-Views/82?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>The Autäli begins behind the Drei Brunnen retirement community and past the allotment gardens. The natural habitat invites you to make an initial stop. This is followed by a steep ascent past one of Riehen's few farms. Continuing through the forest and along the edge of the woods, you then reach Bettingen. But this variant of the route misses Riehen's beautiful Mittelfeld. To see Riehen's Mittelfeld, head right past an "Achtung Schiessstand" (warning: shooting range) sign and follow a steep path. Here you can enjoy views of the agricultural Moostal and far beyond Riehen to the Alsatian Vosges and the Belchen Mountain in the Black Forest. A few steps lead past the Wenkenköpfli, through the forest and down into Wenkentäli, where you enter a large, English-style park called Wenkenpark. There is a mix of shaded places under old groves and expansive lawns – perfect for rest and play. Finally, you can also enjoy the views of nearby Basel at Wenkenross.</p> <p>Starting point: Bus 32, Hinter Gärten; end point: Bus 32, Wenkenhof I</p> <p>Length: approx. 4.5 km, Duration: approx. 70 minutes I Places: Autäli, Reservoir, Wenkenpark I Note: stairs.</p> 3ed4a9f813ed417e8c88f853a485384f Riehen - Village and Park https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/walking-and-hiking/$/Riehen-Village-and-Park/83?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>The starting point is the Bettingerstrasse bus and tram stop. The tranquillity of the Wettsteinanlage Park is a pleasant contrast to the main road. The Wettstein buildings and St. Martin village church are a popular subject of photographs and paintings.<br />The ambience livens up again at the village playground with play and climbing facilities and an adjacent garden restaurant. After the station underpass, the route follows the Im-menbächli to the entrance of the Mohrhaldenanlage, a former graveyard. Once you have crossed the park, you continue along Chrischonaweg to the highest point of the tour, offer-ing great views over the rooftops of the town centre. Go past the Riehen health centre and the gardens of the deaconess house and continue through the music school's wrought iron gate to reach the beautifully maintained Sarasinpark. The trail leads along the Lindenallee to the Fondation Beyeler. Continue along the museum building and you will immediately reach the outskirts of Riehen's agricultural landscape. The views into the distance and the quiet countryside make it easy to forget how close the town centre is.<br />Alongside an old irrigation ditch, the path leads back to the centre with the old fortified church and other landmark buildings. The tour ends opposite the Wettstein buildings, which house the toy museum as well as the village and viticulture museum.</p> <p>Starting point: Tram 6, Bettingerstrasse, end: Tram 6, Riehen Dorf I</p> <p>Length: approx. 2.8 km, duration: approx. 40 minutes I Places: Wettsteinanlage, Mohrhaldenanlage, Sarasinpark, Fondation Beyeler, St. Martin village church, Meierhof, Museum Kultur &amp; Spiel Riehen, Wettstein buildings.</p> 0b2c648fe0f541e7bf81ac8b572be895