8 / Notice

Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Image

triggered in file sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php at line 127.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
sites/core/plugins/Syn...binaries/Controller.php:127Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(8, "Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Image", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php", 127, Array
8 / Notice

Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Image

triggered in file sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php at line 127.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
sites/core/plugins/Syn...binaries/Controller.php:127Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(8, "Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Image", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php", 127, Array
8 / Notice

Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Image

triggered in file sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php at line 127.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
sites/core/plugins/Syn...binaries/Controller.php:127Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(8, "Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Image", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php", 127, Array
8 / Notice

Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Image

triggered in file sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php at line 127.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
sites/core/plugins/Syn...binaries/Controller.php:127Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(8, "Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Image", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php", 127, Array
8 / Notice

Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Image

triggered in file sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php at line 127.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
sites/core/plugins/Syn...binaries/Controller.php:127Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(8, "Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Image", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php", 127, Array
8 / Notice

Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Image

triggered in file sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php at line 127.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
sites/core/plugins/Syn...binaries/Controller.php:127Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(8, "Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Image", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php", 127, Array
8 / Notice

Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Image

triggered in file sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php at line 127.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
sites/core/plugins/Syn...binaries/Controller.php:127Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(8, "Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Image", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php", 127, Array
8 / Notice

Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Description

triggered in file sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php at line 157.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
sites/core/plugins/Syn...binaries/Controller.php:157Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(8, "Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Description", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php", 157, Array
8 / Notice

Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Description

triggered in file sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php at line 157.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
sites/core/plugins/Syn...binaries/Controller.php:157Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(8, "Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Description", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php", 157, Array
8 / Notice

Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Description

triggered in file sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php at line 157.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
sites/core/plugins/Syn...binaries/Controller.php:157Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(8, "Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Description", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php", 157, Array
8 / Notice

Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Description

triggered in file sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php at line 157.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
sites/core/plugins/Syn...binaries/Controller.php:157Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(8, "Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Description", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php", 157, Array
8 / Notice

Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Description

triggered in file sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php at line 157.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
sites/core/plugins/Syn...binaries/Controller.php:157Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(8, "Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Description", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php", 157, Array
8 / Notice

Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Description

triggered in file sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php at line 157.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
sites/core/plugins/Syn...binaries/Controller.php:157Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(8, "Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Description", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php", 157, Array
8 / Notice

Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Description

triggered in file sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php at line 157.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
sites/core/plugins/Syn...binaries/Controller.php:157Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(8, "Undefined property: Lucid\Core\Helper\Setable::$Description", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/sites/core/plugins/Syndication/binaries/Controller.php", 157, Array
2 / Warning

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)

triggered in file lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php at line 210.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
<internal>Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(2, "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php", 210, Array
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response/aResponse.php:46Lucid\Lib\Web\Response::removeHeaders("Pragma", "X-Powered-By")
    " Insider Tips | Riehen Tourismus https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/insider-tips en-gb Sarasinpark https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/parks/$/Sarasinpark/20?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>An orangery, a pond, an avenue of trees and plenty of greenery: the park encompasses an area of around 2.6 hectares and was created in 1766. It combines the grounds of three baroque estates of the families Werthemann-Stähelin, Le Grand and Elbs-Birr. The two larger estates were initially surrounded by French baroque gardens. After the three estates were consolidated in 1812, the gardens were transformed into an English landscape park – following the zeitgeist of the times. Riehen's public music school is now housed in the for-mer residence and farm buildings of the Elbs-Birr estate. Sarasinpark is located to the north of Riehen's old town centre, directly opposite the Fondation Beyeler.</p> 367a19849ea54264866c7f085885ccf8 Weekly Farmers' Market https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/fairs-and-markets/$/Weekly-Farmers-Market/50?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>Bread, pumpkin, sausage, and freshly pressed sweet cider or pear juice, as well as handicrafts from the region – all sold by the producers in person. The weekly market on Riehen's village square offers the opportunity to stroll around and stock up on high-quality local products. The market is held every Friday from 8:00 am to around 12 pm. Did you miss the market? No problem: you can also find products exclusively made locally and regionally in the "<a href="https://www.stadtbuur.ch/" target="_blank">Stadtbuur</a>" store. These range from delicious sausages and jams to gins from nearby breweries.</p> d5a2b78ad754484d80b50c7f83a40b1a Museum of Interment Culture https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/museums/$/Museum-of-Interment-Culture/52?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>Only a few museums in Europe are dedicated exclusively to the topic of death. One of them is the "Friedhof am Hörnli" collection on the grounds of the eponymous cemetery in Riehen. Founded in 1994, the museum deals with death and interment culture. A wide range of exhibits are shown, including hearses once drawn by horse, historical undertaker tools and cemetery equipment. There are also folk-cultural artefacts concerning death, such as burial crosses, pearl wreaths or urns, with exhibits from all around the world, from 1898 to the present day. The collection of surgical implants of deceased persons who were cremated at the crematorium is one of a kind.</p> 66880e16a56d482189f732801b214c8f Kammertheater https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/theatres/$/Kammertheater/56?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>It's worth visiting the Kammertheater for the ambience alone. Here performances are not held in a hall but in an old rustic wine cellar, which gives the theatre an intimate atmosphere. The vaulted cellar has space for just 76 people. Both in-house productions by the regular ensemble and performances by guest theatres from Switzerland and abroad are presented on the stage. So, it's always a good idea to check out the ever-changing programme.</p> 03abeae6e88a4bf8bec76fd18ce21f5c Bettingertäli Playground https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/playgrounds/$/Bettingert%C3%A4li-Playground/70?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>Bettingertäli Playground is hidden away at the foot of Linsberg hill in Bettingen. On hot summer days, it offers plenty of shade under its many trees. The playground includes a climbing tower with a small zip line. A picnic section, a barbecue area and plenty of seating round off the cosy park.</p> <p>Access via Wenkenpark, Bettingerstrasse </p> a8d2fdb3e66740b7ac267c131ce534b7 Markgräfler Wiiwegli Trail https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/walking-and-hiking/$/Markgr%C3%A4fler-Wiiwegli-Trail/81?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>The wine trail connects the three municipalities Weil am Rhein, Lörrach and Riehen, and can easily be enjoyed as part of a leisurely two-hour walk. Fifty thematic boards provide information about the locations, wines, landscape, nature and everyday life of winemakers. The wine trail also passes through an area that is steeped in history. The towns feature precious architecture, and important artworks can be found in the churches.</p> <p>Find more information under <a href="https://www.outdooractive.com/de/route/fernwanderweg/markgraefler-wiiwegli/6419273/" target="_blank">Markgräfler Wiiwegli Trail</a>.</p> ee75952a46714862a7c78808557ea3c4 Wiese https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/swimming/$/Wiese/87?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>The somewhat misleadingly named Wiese river (Wiese is actually German for meadow) originates in the Black Forest. While the tributary of the Rhine is straightened, it can get quite wild when the water is high. The Wiese has become an even more attractive place to enjoy the outdoors since recent steps to renaturalise the waterway.</p> 1b4f6ef398f8463d96ea5d262054ed96 ",
2 / Warning

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)

triggered in file lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php at line 210.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
<internal>Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(2, "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php", 210, Array
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response/aResponse.php:46Lucid\Lib\Web\Response::removeHeaders("Pragma", "X-Powered-By")
    " Insider Tips | Riehen Tourismus https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/insider-tips en-gb Sarasinpark https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/parks/$/Sarasinpark/20?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>An orangery, a pond, an avenue of trees and plenty of greenery: the park encompasses an area of around 2.6 hectares and was created in 1766. It combines the grounds of three baroque estates of the families Werthemann-Stähelin, Le Grand and Elbs-Birr. The two larger estates were initially surrounded by French baroque gardens. After the three estates were consolidated in 1812, the gardens were transformed into an English landscape park – following the zeitgeist of the times. Riehen's public music school is now housed in the for-mer residence and farm buildings of the Elbs-Birr estate. Sarasinpark is located to the north of Riehen's old town centre, directly opposite the Fondation Beyeler.</p> 367a19849ea54264866c7f085885ccf8 Weekly Farmers' Market https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/fairs-and-markets/$/Weekly-Farmers-Market/50?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>Bread, pumpkin, sausage, and freshly pressed sweet cider or pear juice, as well as handicrafts from the region – all sold by the producers in person. The weekly market on Riehen's village square offers the opportunity to stroll around and stock up on high-quality local products. The market is held every Friday from 8:00 am to around 12 pm. Did you miss the market? No problem: you can also find products exclusively made locally and regionally in the "<a href="https://www.stadtbuur.ch/" target="_blank">Stadtbuur</a>" store. These range from delicious sausages and jams to gins from nearby breweries.</p> d5a2b78ad754484d80b50c7f83a40b1a Museum of Interment Culture https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/museums/$/Museum-of-Interment-Culture/52?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>Only a few museums in Europe are dedicated exclusively to the topic of death. One of them is the "Friedhof am Hörnli" collection on the grounds of the eponymous cemetery in Riehen. Founded in 1994, the museum deals with death and interment culture. A wide range of exhibits are shown, including hearses once drawn by horse, historical undertaker tools and cemetery equipment. There are also folk-cultural artefacts concerning death, such as burial crosses, pearl wreaths or urns, with exhibits from all around the world, from 1898 to the present day. The collection of surgical implants of deceased persons who were cremated at the crematorium is one of a kind.</p> 66880e16a56d482189f732801b214c8f Kammertheater https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/theatres/$/Kammertheater/56?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>It's worth visiting the Kammertheater for the ambience alone. Here performances are not held in a hall but in an old rustic wine cellar, which gives the theatre an intimate atmosphere. The vaulted cellar has space for just 76 people. Both in-house productions by the regular ensemble and performances by guest theatres from Switzerland and abroad are presented on the stage. So, it's always a good idea to check out the ever-changing programme.</p> 03abeae6e88a4bf8bec76fd18ce21f5c Bettingertäli Playground https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/playgrounds/$/Bettingert%C3%A4li-Playground/70?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>Bettingertäli Playground is hidden away at the foot of Linsberg hill in Bettingen. On hot summer days, it offers plenty of shade under its many trees. The playground includes a climbing tower with a small zip line. A picnic section, a barbecue area and plenty of seating round off the cosy park.</p> <p>Access via Wenkenpark, Bettingerstrasse </p> a8d2fdb3e66740b7ac267c131ce534b7 Markgräfler Wiiwegli Trail https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/walking-and-hiking/$/Markgr%C3%A4fler-Wiiwegli-Trail/81?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>The wine trail connects the three municipalities Weil am Rhein, Lörrach and Riehen, and can easily be enjoyed as part of a leisurely two-hour walk. Fifty thematic boards provide information about the locations, wines, landscape, nature and everyday life of winemakers. The wine trail also passes through an area that is steeped in history. The towns feature precious architecture, and important artworks can be found in the churches.</p> <p>Find more information under <a href="https://www.outdooractive.com/de/route/fernwanderweg/markgraefler-wiiwegli/6419273/" target="_blank">Markgräfler Wiiwegli Trail</a>.</p> ee75952a46714862a7c78808557ea3c4 Wiese https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/swimming/$/Wiese/87?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>The somewhat misleadingly named Wiese river (Wiese is actually German for meadow) originates in the Black Forest. While the tributary of the Rhine is straightened, it can get quite wild when the water is high. The Wiese has become an even more attractive place to enjoy the outdoors since recent steps to renaturalise the waterway.</p> 1b4f6ef398f8463d96ea5d262054ed96 ",
2 / Warning

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)

triggered in file lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php at line 155.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
<internal>Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(2, "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php", 155, Array
    "text/xml; charset=utf-8",
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php:155header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8", 1)
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response/Text.php:37Lucid\Lib\Web\Response::setHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8")
2 / Warning

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)

triggered in file lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php at line 210.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
<internal>Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(2, "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php", 210, Array
lucid/binaries/Core/Event/Events.php:109call_user_func_array(, Array
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response/aResponse.php:71Lucid\Core\Events\aObservable->triggerEvent("beforeSend", Lucid\Lib\Web\Response\Text)
2 / Warning

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)

triggered in file lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php at line 155.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
<internal>Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(2, "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php", 155, Array
    "public, max-age=86400",
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php:155header("Cache-Control: public, max-age=86400", 1)
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response/aResponse.php:85Lucid\Lib\Web\Response::setHeader("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=86400")
2 / Warning

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)

triggered in file lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php at line 155.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
<internal>Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(2, "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php", 155, Array
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php:155header("ETag: ", 1)
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response/aResponse.php:86Lucid\Lib\Web\Response::setHeader("ETag", "")
2 / Warning

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)

triggered in file lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php at line 155.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
<internal>Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(2, "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php", 155, Array
    "Mon, 03 Jun 2024 10:26:52 GMT",
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php:155header("Expires: Mon, 03 Jun 2024 10:26:52 GMT", 1)
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response/aResponse.php:87Lucid\Lib\Web\Response::setHeader("Expires", "Mon, 03 Jun 2024 10:26:52 GMT")
2 / Warning

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)

triggered in file lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php at line 155.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
<internal>Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(2, "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php", 155, Array
    "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT",
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php:155header("Last-Modified: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT", 1)
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response/aResponse.php:88Lucid\Lib\Web\Response::setHeader("Last-Modified", "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT")
2 / Warning

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)

triggered in file lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php at line 189.

Show stack trace

File / LineCaller
<internal>Lucid\Core\Error\Handler\Standard->onError(2, "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Core/Error/Handler/Standard.php:57)", "/var/www/vhosts/riehen-tourismus.ch/httpdocs/lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php", 189, Array
lucid/binaries/Lib/Web/Response.php:189header("Status: 200 OK")
Insider Tips | Riehen Tourismus https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/insider-tips en-gb Sarasinpark https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/parks/$/Sarasinpark/20?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>An orangery, a pond, an avenue of trees and plenty of greenery: the park encompasses an area of around 2.6 hectares and was created in 1766. It combines the grounds of three baroque estates of the families Werthemann-Stähelin, Le Grand and Elbs-Birr. The two larger estates were initially surrounded by French baroque gardens. After the three estates were consolidated in 1812, the gardens were transformed into an English landscape park – following the zeitgeist of the times. Riehen's public music school is now housed in the for-mer residence and farm buildings of the Elbs-Birr estate. Sarasinpark is located to the north of Riehen's old town centre, directly opposite the Fondation Beyeler.</p> 367a19849ea54264866c7f085885ccf8 Weekly Farmers' Market https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/fairs-and-markets/$/Weekly-Farmers-Market/50?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>Bread, pumpkin, sausage, and freshly pressed sweet cider or pear juice, as well as handicrafts from the region – all sold by the producers in person. The weekly market on Riehen's village square offers the opportunity to stroll around and stock up on high-quality local products. The market is held every Friday from 8:00 am to around 12 pm. Did you miss the market? No problem: you can also find products exclusively made locally and regionally in the "<a href="https://www.stadtbuur.ch/" target="_blank">Stadtbuur</a>" store. These range from delicious sausages and jams to gins from nearby breweries.</p> d5a2b78ad754484d80b50c7f83a40b1a Museum of Interment Culture https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/museums/$/Museum-of-Interment-Culture/52?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>Only a few museums in Europe are dedicated exclusively to the topic of death. One of them is the "Friedhof am Hörnli" collection on the grounds of the eponymous cemetery in Riehen. Founded in 1994, the museum deals with death and interment culture. A wide range of exhibits are shown, including hearses once drawn by horse, historical undertaker tools and cemetery equipment. There are also folk-cultural artefacts concerning death, such as burial crosses, pearl wreaths or urns, with exhibits from all around the world, from 1898 to the present day. The collection of surgical implants of deceased persons who were cremated at the crematorium is one of a kind.</p> 66880e16a56d482189f732801b214c8f Kammertheater https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/theatres/$/Kammertheater/56?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>It's worth visiting the Kammertheater for the ambience alone. Here performances are not held in a hall but in an old rustic wine cellar, which gives the theatre an intimate atmosphere. The vaulted cellar has space for just 76 people. Both in-house productions by the regular ensemble and performances by guest theatres from Switzerland and abroad are presented on the stage. So, it's always a good idea to check out the ever-changing programme.</p> 03abeae6e88a4bf8bec76fd18ce21f5c Bettingertäli Playground https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/playgrounds/$/Bettingert%C3%A4li-Playground/70?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>Bettingertäli Playground is hidden away at the foot of Linsberg hill in Bettingen. On hot summer days, it offers plenty of shade under its many trees. The playground includes a climbing tower with a small zip line. A picnic section, a barbecue area and plenty of seating round off the cosy park.</p> <p>Access via Wenkenpark, Bettingerstrasse </p> a8d2fdb3e66740b7ac267c131ce534b7 Markgräfler Wiiwegli Trail https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/walking-and-hiking/$/Markgr%C3%A4fler-Wiiwegli-Trail/81?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>The wine trail connects the three municipalities Weil am Rhein, Lörrach and Riehen, and can easily be enjoyed as part of a leisurely two-hour walk. Fifty thematic boards provide information about the locations, wines, landscape, nature and everyday life of winemakers. The wine trail also passes through an area that is steeped in history. The towns feature precious architecture, and important artworks can be found in the churches.</p> <p>Find more information under <a href="https://www.outdooractive.com/de/route/fernwanderweg/markgraefler-wiiwegli/6419273/" target="_blank">Markgräfler Wiiwegli Trail</a>.</p> ee75952a46714862a7c78808557ea3c4 Wiese https://www.riehen-tourismus.ch/swimming/$/Wiese/87?q=eyJsIjoiMiJ9 <p>The somewhat misleadingly named Wiese river (Wiese is actually German for meadow) originates in the Black Forest. While the tributary of the Rhine is straightened, it can get quite wild when the water is high. The Wiese has become an even more attractive place to enjoy the outdoors since recent steps to renaturalise the waterway.</p> 1b4f6ef398f8463d96ea5d262054ed96